Do lashes make you prettier?

Dark eyelashes can highlight these aspects of the eyes and make people appear more attractive. More than 130 university students were asked to rate the attractiveness of a series of faces.

Do lashes make you prettier?

Dark eyelashes can highlight these aspects of the eyes and make people appear more attractive. More than 130 university students were asked to rate the attractiveness of a series of faces. The findings do not support the view that increasing eyelash length will always increase the attractiveness of female faces. Yes, attractiveness increases, but only to a certain extent, after which it decreases.

For female faces, long eyelashes are certainly more attractive than very short eyelashes (being the least attractive), but they are also somewhat more attractive than very long eyelashes. Studies have shown that large eyes are more desirable in women. Because long eyelashes accentuate your eyes making them look bigger, which is a symbol of youth that is often associated with greater attractiveness. Which leads us to say that long eyelashes are more attractive to both girls and boys.

Since ancient times, people have practiced practices to improve eyelashes as a way to modify their attractiveness. While some researchers have suggested that eyelashes are perceived as more attractive the longer they are, long eyelashes can also indicate diseases, such as immunodeficiency. From an evolutionary perspective, the ideal eyelash length to indicate health and, therefore, attractiveness, should be between long and short. And in more recent studies, people with long eyelashes are considered much more attractive to the opposite sex.

Interestingly, participants rated the most attractive eyelash length differently for men's and women's faces, suggesting the interference of a cultural gender norm. On the one hand, the presence of healthy eyelashes can be a sign of general health; several diseases, disorders and congenital conditions can cause eyelash loss (sometimes referred to as milfosis or madarosis). A new study, conducted by Pazhoohi and Kingstone, published in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, examines how eyelash length affects beauty and attractiveness ratings. Other scientists have found that particularly dark lashes, perhaps with eyelash enhancers such as mascara and eyeliner, help to emphasize the sclera (the whites of the eyes, whose brightness may indicate health and youth) and the limbal ring (the dark ring that surrounds the iris of the eye).

Thick and long eyelashes are associated not only with beauty but also with femininity, hence the expression “flutter your eyelashes”, which means to flirt. Other research with which LaFrance has discovered, dating back about 50 years, suggests that women tend to blink more slowly than men, a habit that soft, fluttering eyelashes would accentuate. As research on this topic is scarce, study authors Farid Pazhoohi and Alan Kingstone set out to systematically investigate the influence of eyelash length on perceived attractiveness. However, not everyone experiences it, but naturally through aging and wear and tear, eyelashes can fall out and in fact fall out.

Mascara can help make thinning lashes look lush, but staying in good health will result in bright eyes that will attract someone of any age. In other words, participants preferred slightly longer eyelashes for women and shorter for men, suggesting that gender norms played a role. These were, in general, things my brother knew when, at age 10, he decided to cut his eyelashes. A unidirectional analysis of variance (ANOVA) was calculated, which showed that the relationships between the length and width of the eyelashes of 0.20, 0.24, 0.30 and 0.36 were considered the most attractive.


Jennie Heacock
Jennie Heacock

Unapologetic travel buff. Extreme travel junkie. Devoted zombie lover. Professional internet guru. Total coffee nerd. Certified social media guru.